Trade Directly
​Get the best price and conditions directly from suppliers
Suppliers Showcase
& Content Hub
Get to know your suppliers better and learn about the latest products in the industry
Verified Suppliers
Verification and authentication for business and contact identity
Digital And
Human Interaction
We offer technological and human to support you to source products
Connecting & Matching
​We can help you identify, screen, match, and connect with potential suppliers
Request For Quotes (RFQ) or Buying Request
This option enables buyers to either place direct orders via RFQ or get multiple quotes
Join us today and help us build a better food and agriculture system!
Food Farm Hub is an innovative business-to-business (B2B) marketplace that connects buyers and suppliers of food and agricultural products all around the world. Our platform is designed to provide buyers with a comprehensive one-stop shop for sourcing verified suppliers of food and agricultural products, while also offering suppliers ample opportunities to increase their business prospects through wider recognition on an international level.
Food Farm Hub Company Limited
141/63 Skulthai Surawong Tower, 40th Floor, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand
Copyright © 2023 Food Farm Hub.